Sheetrock and Repair Tips for Sanding Drywall
The following sheetrock and repair tips include a dependable step-by-step routine for sanding any drywall project, along with a link to some important painting tips and other information that you won't find anywhere else!
The fact is it's EASY to sand drywall when you follow the step-by-step instructions for taping and coating in the Trade Secrets Course. Youre in for a SHORT day of sanding - and a day of painting thats guaranteed to put a grin on your face! Ive used the following simple step-by-step routine to sand drywall for decades, because my reputation depended on it!
Even if you decide to use the sanding machines that are available, youll still need this step-by-step routine for correcting every flaw - BEFORE you start painting.
First of all, theres no need to sand drywall two different times with two different types of sandpaper, although some authors recommend this approach.
Sheetrock and Repair Tips #1: If you havent tried a sanding machine like the one shown below, I highly recommend it! The Porter Cable rotary drywall sander is available for rent at most tool rental shops, and its a dream come true!

This machine does all the work and sucks up the dust at the same time! What more could you ask for? The only thing that it doesnt do are the tight little intricate areas (like inside corners) which are done by hand with a sanding sponge.
Another dust-free alternative:

Sheetrock and Repair Tips# 2: The hand-sander shown above hooks up to a vac and requires the use of sanding screen. You can also find sanding poles that are designed the same way. With a decent shop vac, you wont create any dust!
 Sheetrock and Repair Tips #3: Remember, few parts of a drywall job are actually flat. Many beginners will attempt to sand everything flat by sanding their recessed joints all the way down to the level of the factory recess. Read Chapter 9 of the Trade Secrets Course if you dont already understand why this is a waste of time.

You will need the following: - A flashlight -or- A hand-held work light with an exposed 40-watt bulb.
- Pre-cut drywall sanding sheets (120-150 grit). Any grit rating under 120 is more likely to scuff the drywall face-paper. For the vacuum-type hand-sanders: 220-grit pre-cut sanding screen is required.
- A sanding pole
- A respirator (Be sure its a SANDING respirator)
- A wedge-shaped sanding sponge.
- A #2 pencil (no markers, crayons, or ink)
 LOOK, BEFORE you sand!
 Sheetrock and Repair Tips #4: Turn off any bright lighting in the work area - before you begin sanding. If you're using a hand-held light, just hold the bulb against the drywall and glide it along the walls. If youre using the flashlight, just skip the light across the surface that youre inspecting. Youll be amazed at how well you can see the defects when you look BEFORE YOU SAND. The defects will literally jump-out at you.
If you applied the final coat correctly, youll notice that most everything is already edge-free and smooth. Usually, the only defects that are left behind after a good final-coat are a few specific areas with deep bubble holes that might need another final coat and often times a few dimples in the inside corners from fastener heads.
Lightly mark these areas with a pencil when you find them. Touch-up these areas with some ready mix BEFORE YOU START SANDING. Allow a half hour or so for drying.
Now you're ready for Stage 1:
Pole Sanding.